Shai Keidar

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I am a PhD student in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem supervised by Prof. Tomer Schlank . I am currently a visiting student at the University of Chicago.

My mathematical fields of interest include chromatic homotopy theory, higher semiadditivity, algebraic K-theory and trace methods, representation theory and higher (higher) categories.

Contact: shai.keidar (at)


Higher Galois Theory

We show that in a presentably symmetric monoidal category C, if G is a C-dualizable group then faithful Galois extensions are co-representable: A faitfhul Galois extension in C is the same data as a symmetric monoidal functor from Spc^{BG} to C.

Using this we show that for nice semiadditive categories of height n there is an pro-(n+1)-finite Galois space classifiying n-finite Galois extensions, extending a result of Mathew for stable categories. We also extend Kummer theory to this setting, and discuss Galois-closure of categories.

Cyclic Azumaya Algebras

Using the co-representability of Galois extensions (see above), we prove that for a semiadditive category C, the data of a cyclic Galois extension and a strict unit is equivalent to a symmetric monoidal, colimit preserving functor from Mod_{Z}(C)^{B Z/m} to C.

Given such a symmetric monoidal functor F, we define its corresponding cyclic Azumaya algebra as F(Z/m⋉Z) extending the constructions of Baker-Richter-Syzmik and Mor.

We use it to construct a cyclic subgroup of order p-1 in the telescopic Brauer group.

Semiadditive Alternating Powers

This is a joint work with Shauly Ragimov.

In this work we extend the construction of the alternating power of a module to the higher semiadditive settings, where the symmetric group admits many more characters (even when p=2). Similarly to how alternating and symmetric powers decategorify to power operations on KU, we show that our alternating powers decategorify to "twisted semiadditive" power operations.

For categories with cyclotomically closed unit of height n, characters of the (n+1)-st stable stem induce a character on all symmetric groups. We show that for these characters all alternating powers assemble to an algebra, generalizing the classical symmetric and exterior algebras.

Using iterative application of the induced character formula of Carmeli-Cnossen-Ramzi-Yanvoski we prove a height induction formula for two categories of interest and use it to compute the monoidal dimensions of alternating powers in low heights.

Full-Dualizability and Lax Tensor Products

This is a joint work with Leor Neuhause, Tomer Schlank, Lior Yanvoski.

We define, using the Gray tensor product, the lax external product of a d-monoidal (∞,∞)-category and an e-monoidal (∞,∞)-category, returning and (d+e)-monoidal (∞,∞)-category.
Denoting by FD(n,d) the free d-monoidal category generated by an n-dualizable object we show that the lax external product of FD(n,d) and FD(m,e) identifies with FD(n+m,d+e).

In particular we show that FD(∞,∞) is an idempotent algebra with respect to a lax tensor product and assuming the cobordism hypothesis get a multiplicative-structure Pontryagin-Thom isomorphism.

In a work in progress we construct maps from the lax external product of framed tangle categories to an appropriate tangle category. Thus reformulating the Tangle hypothesis to proving that these maps are isomorphisms.


Homotopy Theory: Revisiting Localizations and Beyond

Yonatan Harpaz, Leor Neuhauser, Tomer Schlank, Lior Yanovski and myself organized the Homotopy Theory: Revisiting Localizations and Beyond in June 2024

Caesarea Workshop on Topological Cyclic Homology

Lior Yanovski, Shay Ben-Moshe and myself organized the Caesarea workshop on topological cyclic homology in May 2023. Lecture notes from all talks are available.

Sea of Galilee workshop on algebraic models for spaces

Tomer Schlank, Segev Cohen and myself organized the Sea of Galilee workshop on algebraic models for spaces in September 2021.

Research Talks

Telescopic Picard, Brauer and Galois Groups
UIUC Topology Seminar

Higher Galois Theory in Chromatic Homotopy Theory
MIT Topology Seminar

Higher Galois Theory
Young topologists meeting 2024, Münster, Germany

The chromatic Hecke algebra
Poster, Young topologists meeting 2023, EPFL, Switzerland

The Telescopic Galois, Picard and Brauer Groups
Poster, Young topologists meeting 2022, Copnehagen, Denmark

The telescopic Galois, Picard, and Brauer Groups
Jerusalem-Münster Homotopy Fridays 2021, held over Zoom

Conference and Workshop talks

Cyclotomic redshift
Hot Topics: Life after the Telescope Conjecture, SLMath 2024

Ambidexterity and chromatic cyclotomic extensions
Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Algebraic K-Theory and the Telescope Conjecture, MFO Oberwolfach 2024

The Prismatic cohomology of Z and
Talbot 2024, Texas

Polygonic spectra
Caesarea workshop on topological cyclic homology 2023

The Bousfield-Kuhn Functor
Sea of Galilee workshop on algebraic models for spaces 2021, Sea of Galilee, Israel

Seminar talks and notes

Equivalent definitions of dualizable categories
Dualizable categories and continouous K-theory seminar, University of Chicao 2024

Thom spectra and orientations of E  theory
Chromatic Nullstellensatz seminar, Jerusalem 2024

Lichtenbaum-Quillen for ℓ^hZ
Telescope conjecture seminar, Jerusalem 2024

Boundedness in cyclotomic spectra
Telescope conjecture seminar, Jerusalem 2024

The cyclic category and THH
Münster-Jerusalem seminar about TC, 2023

The spectrum of a T(n)-local commutative algebra
Chromatic Nullstellensatz seminar organized by Paul VanKoughnett, Bonn 2022

Modular forms
Algebraic geometry and number theory lunch seminar, Jerusalem 2021

Spivak normal structure
Differential topology and the h-cobordism seminar, Jerusalem 2021

Morse theory
Differential topology and the h-cobordism seminar, Jerusalem 2020

Master's thesis

I completed my master's thesis in geometric representation theory under the guidance of Prof. Dmitry Gourevitch. You can find it here.